
COPY INTO <table>

This command loads data into Databend from files in a variety of locations.

See Also: COPY INTO location

Supported File Locations

Your data files must be located in one of these locations for COPY INTO to work:


COPY INTO [<database>.]<table_name>
FROM { internalStage | externalStage | externalLocation }
[ FILES = ( '<file_name>' [ , '<file_name>' ] [ , ... ] ) ]
[ PATTERN = '<regex_pattern>' ]
[ FILE_FORMAT = ( TYPE = { CSV | TSV | NDJSON | PARQUET | XML} [ formatTypeOptions ] ) ]
[ copyOptions ]



internalStage ::= @<internal_stage_name>[/<path>]


externalStage ::= @<external_stage_name>[/<path>]


AWS S3 Compatible Object Storage Service

externalLocation ::=
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-ID>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>'
SESSION_TOKEN = '<your-session-token>'
REGION = '<region-name>'
s3://<bucket>[<path>]External files located at the AWS S3 compatible object storage.Required
ENDPOINT_URLThe bucket endpoint URL starting with "https://". To use a URL starting with "http://", set allow_insecure to true in the [storage] block of the file databend-query-node.toml.Required
ACCESS_KEY_IDYour access key ID for connecting the AWS S3 compatible object storage. If not provided, Databend will access the bucket anonymously.Optional
SECRET_ACCESS_KEYYour secret access key for connecting the AWS S3 compatible object storage.Optional
SESSION_TOKENYour temporary credential for connecting the AWS S3 serviceOptional
REGIONAWS region name. For example, us-east-1.Optional
ENABLE_VIRTUAL_HOST_STYLEIf you use virtual hosting to address the bucket, set it to "true".Optional

Azure Blob storage

externalLocation ::=
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCOUT_NAME = '<your-account-name>'
ACCOUNT_KEY = '<your-account-key>'
azblob://<container>[<path>]External files located at the Azure Blob storage.Required
ENDPOINT_URLThe container endpoint URL starting with "https://". To use a URL starting with "http://", set allow_insecure to true in the [storage] block of the file databend-query-node.toml.Required
ACCOUNT_NAMEYour account name for connecting the Azure Blob storage. If not provided, Databend will access the container anonymously.Optional
ACCOUNT_KEYYour account key for connecting the Azure Blob storage.Optional

Google Cloud Storage

externalLocation ::=
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
CREDENTIAL = '<your-credential>'
gcs://<bucket>[<path>]External files located at the Google Cloud StorageRequired
ENDPOINT_URLThe container endpoint URL starting with "https://". To use a URL starting with "http://", set allow_insecure to true in the [storage] block of the file databend-query-node.toml.Optional
CREDENTIALYour credential for connecting the GCS. If not provided, Databend will access the container anonymously.Optional

Huawei Object Storage

externalLocation ::=
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-id>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>'
obs://<bucket>[<path>]External files located at the obsRequired
ENDPOINT_URLThe container endpoint URL starting with "https://". To use a URL starting with "http://", set allow_insecure to true in the [storage] block of the file databend-query-node.toml.Required
ACCESS_KEY_IDYour access key ID for connecting the OBS. If not provided, Databend will access the bucket anonymously.Optional
SECRET_ACCESS_KEYYour secret access key for connecting the OBS.Optional

Remote Files

externalLocation ::=

You can use glob patterns to specify moran than one file. For example, use

  • ontime_200{6,7,8}.csv to represents ontime_2006.csv,ontime_2007.csv,ontime_2008.csv.
  • ontime_200[6-8].csv to represents ontime_2006.csv,ontime_2007.csv,ontime_2008.csv.


externalLocation ::=
CONNECTION = (ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<your-ipfs-gateway>')

FILES = ( 'file_name' [ , 'file_name' ... ] )

Specifies a list of one or more files names (separated by commas) to be loaded.

PATTERN = 'regex_pattern'

A PCRE2-based regular expression pattern string, enclosed in single quotes, specifying the file names to match. Click here to see an example. For PCRE2 syntax, see http://www.pcre.org/current/doc/html/pcre2syntax.html.


See Input & Output File Formats.


copyOptions ::=
[ SIZE_LIMIT = <num> ]
[ PURGE = <bool> ]
[ FORCE = <bool> ]
[ ON_ERROR = { continue | abort } ]
SIZE_LIMITSpecifies the maximum rows of data to be loaded for a given COPY statement. Defaults to 0 meaning no limits.Optional
PURGEIf True, the command will purge the files in the stage after they are loaded successfully into the table. Default: False.Optional
FORCEDefaults to False meaning the command will skip duplicate files in the stage when copying data. If True, duplicate files will not be skipped.Optional
ON_ERRORProvides options to handle a file containing errors. Select continue to skip the file and continue, or abort (default) to abort the load operation.Optional

The parameter ON_ERROR currently does not work for parquet files.


Loading Data from an Internal Stage

COPY INTO mytable FROM @my_internal_s1 pattern = 'books.*parquet' file_format = (type = 'PARQUET');

Loading Data from an External Stage

COPY INTO mytable FROM @my_external_s1 pattern = 'books.*parquet' file_format = (type = 'PARQUET');

Loading Data from External Locations

AWS S3 compatible object storage services

This example reads 10 rows from a CSV file and inserts them into a table:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/data.csv'
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-ID>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>')
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1) size_limit=10;

This example reads 10 rows from a CSV file compressed as GZIP and inserts them into a table:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/data.csv.gz'
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<endpoint-URL>'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-ID>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>')
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1 compression = 'GZIP') size_limit=10;

This example loads data from a CSV file without specifying the endpoint URL:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/data.csv'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1) size_limit=10;

This is an example loading data from a Parquet file:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/data.parquet'
ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your-access-key-ID>'
SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your-secret-access-key>')

Azure Blob storage

This example reads data from a CSV file and inserts it into a table:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 'azblob://mybucket/data.csv'
ENDPOINT_URL = 'https://<account_name>.blob.core.windows.net'
ACCOUNT_NAME = '<account_name>'
ACCOUNT_KEY = '<account_key>'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV);

Remote Files

As shown in this example, data is loaded from three remote CSV files, but a file will be skipped if it contains errors:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 'https://repo.databend.rs/dataset/stateful/ontime_200{6,7,8}_200.csv'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV) ON_ERROR=continue;


This example reads data from a CSV file on IPFS and inserts it into a table:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 'ipfs://<your-ipfs-hash>' connection = (endpoint_url = 'https://<your-ipfs-gateway>')
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1);

Loading Data with Pattern Matching

This example uses pattern matching to only load from CSV files containing sales in their names:

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/'
PATTERN = '.*sales.*[.]csv'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1);

Where .* is interpreted as zero or more occurrences of any character. The square brackets escape the period character (.) that precedes a file extension.

If you want to load from all the CSV files, use PATTERN = '.*[.]csv':

COPY INTO mytable
FROM 's3://mybucket/'
PATTERN = '.*[.]csv'
FILE_FORMAT = (type = CSV field_delimiter = ',' record_delimiter = '\n' skip_header = 1);


Here are some tutorials to help you get started with COPY INTO: